วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Letters: Stop the drone assassination industry

you the report (Ex-CIA require principal faces legal custody over the drone attacks, 16 July) that attempts to extradite John Rizzo for killing civilians in air strikes will be rejected by unmanned the United States. Because the British judicial system is more likely to conform to international criminal law, I suggest Reprieve and his Pakistani colleagues might do better to accuse Britain, who are complicit in these murders. I refer to the British and U.S. communications and intelligence station at Menwith Hill in Yorkshire, which supplies much of the information, both for orientation and direction of the drone .

If it became clear that nobody can help you in Britain kill civilians, even if they are just obeying orders ", the prospect of a horrible murder the future of the industry British bumblebee could be limited. Professor David Webb, of Leeds Metropolitan University explained how the industry is taking - at RAF Waddington in the site testing and QinetiQ Aberporth UAV UAV Engines Ltd in Litchfield

Through his newspaper, the UK has won a great triumph of ethics and transparency on the illegality and secrecy in public life. It would be nice to see it followed by another.

Jon Vogler

. The contrast between the two stories caught my attention. The first was the coverage of the final episode of the saga of Murdoch / Brooks / Now, which included a brief report on how the American press not commit such immoral acts and / or illegal as hacking the phone, etc. Second I read how the U.S. continues to kill non-combatants in Pakistan-controlled drone of thousands of civilians from miles away. Civilians would be horrified by the idea that privacy can be invaded by a tabloid journalist, but they are happy to use their computer skills perfected the game to make the ultimate invasion of privacy.

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